Legal advice

I want to divorce my husband as fast as possible, but heard that divorce can take a lot of time. Is there a way to make it faster?

15.02.2010 Andrejs Sviksh, lawyer

According to law the adjudication of the matter may be adjourned for a period of up to six months, if the spouses have lived separately for less than three years. There were precedents when court had postponed the adjudication of the matter for 5-6 times. The only chance to get a quick divorce is to submit a mutually signed application of both spouses. Prior to that the spouses shall agree on all terms regarding the division of common property, custody of children born in the marriage, maintenance for the children, etc. The spouses shall specify in the application that they don’t wish to reconcile and request the court not to postpone the adjudication of the matter for the purpose of reconciliation. In this case, according to the Civil procedure law, the court may take a decision not to postpone the court sittings. 

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