Legal advice

Where in Latvia it is possible to carry out the DNA analysis for the determination of paternity? Will it be considered in the process of paternity dispute?

02.03.2010 Karina Katz, lawyer

According to Section 2491 of the Civil procedure law, the court on the basis of a petition from a participant in the matter shall determine expert-examination for the specification of the child’s biological descent. If one of the participants in the matter evades the expert-examination, the court shall take a decision regarding the forced conveyance of such person for the conduct of the expert-examination. 

Important! The costs of the expert-examination shall be covered by the plaintiff, but it may be recovered from the defendant in case of a positive result. The costs of the expert-examination may vary depending on the place where it is carried out. 

Medical institutions that can carry out the analysis for determination of paternity are following:

  • Latvia State Centre for Forensic Medical Examination (Valsts Tiesu medicīnas ekspertīzes centrs);
  • State owned company “Children clinical university hospital”, Medical genetics clinic (Valsts SIA „Bernu klīniska universitātes slimnīca”, Medicīniskas genetikas klīnika);
  • State police Biological expertise unit of the Forensic Department (Valsts policijas Kriminālistikas pārvaldes Bioloģisko ekspertīžu nodala); 
  • “Genera” Ltd.
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