Ensuring social distance at the points of sale (Covid-19)

26.03.2020 Ekaterina Nedilko, lawyer

Based on the 12.03.2020. regulation No. 103 “On declaring an emergency situation” of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia, on March 20, 2020 the acting Minister for Economic Affairs the internal minister S. Girgens has issued a regulation of the Minister for the Economy No. 1-6.1/2020/51 “On ensuring social distance at the points of sale”, hereinafter referred to as the EM regulation.

The following restrictions and recommendations were made under this EM regulation:

  • merchants in a trade area in visible places (at least at checkout) must place a clearly legible instruction to visitors to be socially responsible and to keep a 2 meter distance from the visitor standing in front of the queue in the checkout area;
  • merchants with a sales area of more than 100 m2 must provide in the checkout area 2 meter distance from the visitor standing in front of the queue in the checkout area with bounding marks;
  • at shopping centres, markets and street trading venues the shopping centre owner or legal possessor, market manager and street trading organizer in the territory of the organization of trade in visible places (at least at the entrance to the trading territory) must place a clearly legible instruction to visitors to be socially responsible and to keep a 2 meter distance from the visitor standing in front of the queue in the checkout area;
  • in order to promote compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia regarding the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the shopping centres must regularly (once every 15 minutes) play announcements in Latvian urging not to stay in the trading premises unnecessarily and follow the posted distance guidance. The merchant may additionally choose other foreign languages;
  • merchants are encouraged to implement, as far as possible, other measures to limit the flow of people at points of sale that would promote compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia regarding the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, as well as following the recommendations published on the website of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia.
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