Legal support for foreigners

Law office Inlatplus at any time is ready to provide qualitative and professional legal assistance to any foreign guest who arrives in Latvia. If you need advice, assistance or legal support in any matter, please contact us in any way convenient for you. Each case can be solved!

Emergencies during the trip. Complaints about poor quality service, complaints to state institutions and municipalities.

  • assistance in cases of passport loss;
  • obtaining of compensation from the air carrier for damaged or lost baggage and bad service;
  • obtaining of compensation from the hotel for bad service;
  • obtaining of compensation from the car rent company for bad service or low-quality car;
  • obtaining of compensation from the health care institution in case of rendering bad medical service;
  • preparation of any claims and complaints to public authorities and self-government authorities, as well as sellers and persons providing services;
  • assistance in collecting documents regarding insurance accidents or accidents, fixation of these cases by the bailiff;
  • assistance in obtaining insurance compensation from the Latvian insurer.

Migration cases

  • obtaining of visas and residence permits in Latvia;
  • representation of the client in migration services of Latvia, consultations in the area of migration legislation of Latvia;
  • representation of the foreign employee in the relationship with a local employer, consultations in the area of labour legislation of Latvia;
  • appealing against decisions of migration services regarding extradition, refusal to issue visas, residence permits and work permits.

Criminal and administrative cases against foreigners

  • protection of foreigners’ rights and interests in administrative and criminal cases, including detention at the airport for carriage of illegal substances.

Assistance to foreign investors and entrepreneurs

  • registration, reorganization and liquidation of companies with foreign capital;
  • protection of investor’s rights and interests in the relationship with other owners of the company;
  • development of complex measures aimed at protection of foreign investments;
  • consultations in the area of bankruptcy of Latvian companies;
  • assistance in acquiring Latvian companies (drafting and registration of documents, protection of rights and interests of foreign investors, consultations);
  • analysis of documents signed by foreigners and explanation of consequences in accordance of requirements of Latvian legislation;
  • foreigner’s obtaining of credit and refinancing at Latvian banks;
  • assistance in resolving disputes with Latvian companies;
  • debt collection in the territory of Latvia in favor of foreign creditors;
  • legalization of foreign court decisions in the territory of Latvia;
  • consultations in the area of taxation in Latvia;
  • protection of foreigner’s rights and interests in the relationship with Latvian banks;
  • assistance in executing any commercial transactions in Latvia.

Real estate transactions in Latvia for foreigners

  • representation and protection of foreigner’s rights and interests in real estate transactions, including purchase or rent of an apartment;
  • protection of investor’s rights and interests in the area of construction.

Family law

  • consultations in the area of marriage and divorce with a foreigner in Latvia;
  • protection of rights and interests of a foreign spouse in divorce proceedings, assistance in division of property, child custody, recovery of alimony;
  • acceptance of inheritance for foreigners in Latvia;
  • obtaining of archive documents and information for opening of inheritance or restoration of property rights on real estate in Latvia.


  • rendering of translation services;
  • representation and protection of foreigner’s rights and interests in Latvian courts;
  • consultations in the area of applicable Latvian legislation.

How to get legal support for a foreigner in Latvia?

Contact us using the contact form or any other convenient way and we will help you in any situation.

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