Citizenship or permanent residence permit in Latvia for descendants of Latvians

29.07.2022 Irina Stromberga, lawyer

Law office Inlatplus often receives inquiries from citizens of different countries, whose ancestors were from Latvia, whether it is possible for them to obtain citizenship or residence permit in Latvia “by roots”.

This expression usually means the presence of a direct ancestor who lived in the territory of Latvia until 1940 and/or was a Latvian.

The legislature of the Republic Latvia has provided for such persons various possibilities to return to Latvia for permanent residence.


According to the Law of the Republic of Latvia “On Repatriation”, repatriates are persons who voluntarily move to Latvia for permanent residence, if one of the relatives in the direct ascending line is a Latvian or a Liiv. The spouse of the repatriate receives the status of a family member of the repatriate.

The status of a repatriate and a family member of a repatriate automatically grants their holders a permanent residence permit in Latvia.

To obtain this status, it is necessary to prove: 1) that the direct ancestor in the ascending line was a Latvian or a Liiv, 2) kinship with this ancestor.


Latvians whose parents or grandparents were Latvians and whose direct ancestors lived in 1881 and later in the territory of Latvia, in which it existed until June 17, 1940, are entitled to receive Latvian citizenship.

To obtain this status, it is necessary to prove: 1) that the applicant himself is Latvian, 2) that one of his parents or grandparents is Latvian, 3) that the direct ancestor of the applicant lived in the territory of Latvia from 1881 to 1940.

This basis for obtaining citizenship allows for dual citizenship with any country.

Legal office Inlatplus is ready to provide the necessary assistance to the return of Latvians and their descendants to Latvia: to consult, to prepare all the necessary documents, to provide full support for the entire process of obtaining the status of a repatriate in Latvia or a citizen of Latvia.

Legal office Inlatplus is ready to provide the necessary assistance upon the return of Latvians and their descendants to Latvia: consult, prepare all the necessary documents, provide full support for the entire process of obtaining the status of a repatriate in Latvia or a citizen of Latvia.

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