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Your search "Residence permit" matched 46 document(s)
Is it possible to get the ID card of a temporary residence permit in Latvia for 5 years?
In accordance with part 2 of Article 22 of the Immigration Law of Latvia, if a temporary residence permit obtained based on interest-free purchases of government bonds (paragraph 31, part...
After the repeal of the law on repatriation, can descendants of Latvians obtain permanent residence permits in Latvia? Are there any restrictions for citizens of the Russian Federation?
At the moment, descendants of Latvians can obtain a temporary residence permit in Latvia for up to 5 years (clause 34 of Part One of Article 23 of the Immigration...
I am a citizen of Russia, in the past I was a holder of a residence permit based on the purchase of real estate. Due to changes in the Migration Law, when submitting documents last year for the repeated residence permit, I changed the grounds of applying – from real estate to employment in a Latvian company (at least 3 months at the time of submitting documents). I successfully received a new residence permit for a year, but the company where I’m currently employed has not been doing very well lately and I’m afraid that it might go bankrupt in the near future. There is another employer who is eager to hire me. Am I allowed to change the employer and, if so, do I need to notify the OCMA about this?
...simply switch from one employer to another, then your current residence permit will be annuled, since the basis on which you received your current residence permit will no longer exist....
How citizens of Russia can keep their temporary residence permit
As we know, on September 24, 2022, amendments to the Latvian Immigration Law came into force, which establish a new procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP) for Russian...
Setting up a business and obtaining a residence permit in Latvia
Due to the ongoing situation in the world and since the temporary residence permit (TRP) program in Latvia still exists, more and more clients contact our office to receive legal...
Citizenship or permanent residence permit in Latvia for descendants of Latvians
Law office Inlatplus often receives inquiries from citizens of different countries, whose ancestors were from Latvia, whether it is possible for them to obtain citizenship or residence permit in Latvia...
New amendments to the immigration law of Latvia
...residence permit (or refused the registration of already existing residence permit) if the student has not achieved a sufficient progress in studies, which can be indicated by one or several...
My wife and I are citizens of Kyrgyzstan, we live in Latvia on the basis of a permanent residence permit. Recently we were granted guardianship over a minor child – a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, we have a relevant decision of the Kyrgyz court. Can a child obtain a residence permit in Latvia?, we would advise contacting the Head of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs with a written request to provide the child with a residence permit for humane reasons....
In accordance with the regulatory enactments adopted in Latvia in an emergency situation, the term of validity of decisions, permits and other documents issued by Latvian institutions is extended for a period of up to three months after the end of the emergency situation (June 9, 2020). Does this mean that in case if the term specified in the decision of the Latvian Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs for receiving a residence permit ID card in Latvia has expired during an emergency situation, it is necessary to receive a residence permit ID card no later than September 9, 2020?
...upon examining the matter of granting, registering or annulling the permanent residence permit, absence from the Republic of Latvia during the period from 12 March 2020 until 31 December 2020...
I’m a citizen of Russia. Me and my girlfriend (who is a citizen of Latvia) have officially entered into the same-sex marriage in Denmark. We would like to reside in Latvia as a family. Am I entitled to apply for the residence permit in Latvia based on my marriage?
...residence permit in Latvia in accordance with the Cabinet Regulations “Procedures for the Entry and Residence in the Republic of Latvia of Citizens of the Union and their Family Members”....